Echoes of the Wild

Echoes of the Wild is an ongoing photography project in which I explore the extensive collections of the Redpath Museum that are largely unseen.

Behind each still life is a silent story from the past, carefully conserved, at times for centuries. By photographing these archived specimens under a new light, I hope to foster in the public a deeper appreciation and connection with not only the marvels of our world, but also the natural history museums that preserve this fragile beauty.

Photo of study skin of a white-throated sparrow on beige background from the collection of the Redpath Museum

White-throated sparrow | Zonotrichia albicollis | RM5823

Found dead in 1975 a few steps from the Redpath Museum.

Photo of a grackle nest on a green background, taken from the collections of the Redpath Museum

Grackle nest with six eggs | Quiscalus quiscula

Nest of unknown provenance, currently uncatalogued at the Redpath Museum.

Photo of study skins of two tree swallows on a burgundy background, photographed from the collections of the Redpath Museum

Two tree swallows | Tachycineta bicolor | RM1872 & RM5964

Collected in 1879 and c. 1920 in Glendale, OH and Montreal, QC.